Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Why try? Why not just be yourself?

Okay guys and gals. Me and my husband were watching a music video today and I started talking to him, which leads me to blogging about the same discussion....

I noticed ever since the term "Swagger" or "Swag" has been in use (more now then ever) men have been trying soooooo hard to live up to this image, this look, sexy sexy sexy. They are trying so hard that it's ANNOYING me!!! It's like the new marketing scheme for the industry. There are two options for marketing SEX or RAW CREATIVITY. Why don't more people stick with creativity???

Just be yourself and don't try to have this "swag" that isn't you, because its AWKWARD!

Here are some examples below of what I mean:

Now if you must and I mean if you must promote sex as an artist, it should look just like this:

P.s. Thanks to all the artists, directors, producers, fashion designers, etc that take creativity into hand rather then just using sex, money, and trashy women.....

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